Yes, I had cut my long boring hair!
5 years ago, tried cut to short hair till now, again...
I quite like my new hairstyle 😁
And a lot of my friends, relatives giving comments that short hair suits me more.

Super like this photo taken with Mr Hubby ❤️

Personally, I think not really look alike..😆

Sexy babe? Haha!!

She bought it from Singapore. Always have my heart ❤️
Why took me so long time to build such easy blocks? That's because I need to build it when my youngest daughter take her noon nap. And I had done all the housework.
If not, she will busy herself playing with the blocks. And I might risk losing some..😆😁
Popular bookstore having sales again. Is the time of the year again. Bought this book.

Starting to read this book.
A few pages read, and it caught my attention so much! Can't stop myself from keep on reading it.
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