Wednesday, May 18, 2011


i not yet give birth.HehePhotobucket
You must thought i already gave birth as 
i didn't drop by here.This is because
Mr Hubby is now officially the owner to
my current bling blingPhotobucketlaptop.
Therefore,i seldom online using Photobucket,
mostly with my PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

GoodPhotobucketnews to Photobucketshare!PhotobucketMrPhotobucketPhotobucketHubby boughtPhotobucketPhotobucket me a Photobucket Photobucket
He ordered from his friends who owns a computer shop.
Not any expensive laptop,just simple one.

Like collecting perfumePhotobucket even though i do not use any.
i like collecting rare or special perfumePhotobucketbottle
especially dolls like.
These PhotobucketPhotobucket copied the Gwen Stefani Harajuku Lovers

So,all the dolls Photobucket
i Photobucket 'em allPhotobucket

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