Friday, January 14, 2011


Good Morning all cutie piesPhotobucketPhotobucket
Yeay,today is already Friday.Tomorrow i can wake up late.
And also go shopping.Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucketshopping
PhotobucketPhotobucketMr Hubby will bringPhotobucketPhotobucketus to KL.
Today story about this first,,,

Photobucketchildren tableware
Which got 2 different sizes of bowls,
1 plate in a very unique shape,
1 Photobucketcup and last but not least,1 spoon.
5 tablewares in a set.

Even though i just know how to eatPhotobucketPhotobucket,but not cookPhotobucketPhotobucket
i still wanna collect Photobucketkitchenware.
i never cook at Photobucket,so all the plates bowls are just part of
the PhotobucketdecorationPhotobucket in my kitchen.
i had already replacedPhotobucket all the dull boring plates bowls to Photobucketkitties.
Enjoy the pics~Photobucket

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