Wednesday, October 13, 2010

family day✿◕‿◕✿

Whoa~~it had been quite a few days i was not around here.
Sorry borry,i am really terribly feeling unwell + super duper lazy
My laziness is over till i do not do any household chores,
just eat sleep and then eat again,sleep again.
There is some miaoPhotobucketmiao stuff that i wanna share here also haven't PhotobucketPhotobucketsnap
piccy and upload to blog here.
Really LAZYPhotobucketPhotobucket
i think this all will end till i enter 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
Now,i wanna let you see my latest piccy of me + my unborn PhotobucketPhotobucket

and also my sister.
She is cool,or should i use HEPhotobucketPhotobucket
All these piccy PhotobucketPhotobuckettaken when we went back to Kuantan.
FAmiLy DayPhotobucket
Oh-my-stomach,you can see clearly.
Am i look like an expectant PhotobucketPhotobucketmummyPhotobucket
Am i already fatPhotobucket
My sis cool rightPhotobucket
How about mePhotobucketCutePhotobucket Photobucket
Haha...i like Cute...Photobucket
i Photobucket this piccy the most..
i like my face expression.COOL~~
Lastly,a simple edit by me of my PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketparent's piccy.
Sweet couple,aren't theyPhotobucket
My daddy Photobucket this piccy so muchie,that's
after i had edited it.
He even use it as his desktop wallpaperPhotobucket

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