Tuesday, September 15, 2009

heLLo kiTTy gAs pUmp liQuor dispenSer

spreading all my haPPiness to shAre with aLL

Offline today PhotobucketSo,an auto-publish post too.Yesterday,i promise to share with all of you about this.This is a Photobucketpump it up gas pump liquor dispenser.Oh,what a long long namePhotobucket Actually,i think it can be used to put liquid such as water or juices to serve to be guest.This is a nice treat for myself after working so hard.This is a rare Photobucketitem,and i m going to put it carefully at my collections' corner.1 of my friends help me to buy this when she is travellingPhotobucket to Korea.If you want this,you can get it at ebay too,but a bit expensive LoLPhotobucketMaybe other places selling this...

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