Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hug Me..

Hello,i am backPhotobucketMany to-do list haven't done yet.Haven't go into Pet Society,Restaurant City,Country Story & also Poupee Girl.Arrghh...PhotobucketPhotobucket Oh-mi-god...That's my to-do list for everyday.Really a childish lady.Others do big things whereas i do tiny weeny things like Photobucketplaying games.This weekend at Kuantan too.Fetching some stocks to my branch there and also bringing back some Photobucket goodies which Waz(bubbles regular customer) ordered.

i got brought back this Photobucket bolster,so that along the journey back to Kuantan,i can hug it.Then,at the night,when i wanna sleep,hug this tooPhotobucket Don't think something bad,ok?? i hug this and my hubby hug me lol...(18sx pulak)

Cutey Photobucket bolster with hands and legs.A tiny little round tail too.

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