So tired today

Aiyaya,just do a little bit thing,start complaining much

Half day past,i do not open my

,now only steal a little bit time to check e-mail.See got any sweeties e-mail me for orders or sending regards to me.And also to update my blog.Everyday updating my blog seem like becoming my full-time

work,while the shop is my part-time



People purchased items at ebay profesionally,i very 'laoya' de

When i click for payment for the purchase of

measuring tape &

key holder,i accidentally click twice.So, i had asked the seller to change the latter to this,

3D PVC mouse pad.For the balance,i ordered again

measuring tape for Shirley.
Now looks nicer with this

mouse pad.i heart the most is when i am using the mouse,i can put my hand at

hand & body which work as my handrest.Comfortable....But,poor

.It must be hurt for her.Ok,i will not often put on her hand & body.Today our discussion have to stop here,i feel

.Nite nite & sweet dreams to me......& to all of you too!
